Meet the Team

Our team of young, motivated entrepreneurs are qualified, excited, and ready to help the dogs who can't help themselves.


Founder/CEO. Incredibly experienced in content and brand building. A leading visionary for crypto philanthropy.
His favorite dog breed is the labrador retriever!


Lead developer out of Columbia University. Finance and crypto WIZARD. This guy knows what he's doing.
His favorite dog breed is the poodle!


Lead dog-rescuer. Taking care of outreach to animal shelters, and volunteers at a safe haven for injured and homeless animals in her free time.
Her favorite dog breed is the Maltipoo!


Lead communications. Community building, social media, you name it. Funniest guy on the team.
His favorite dog breed is the classic golden retriever!


The moderator of all moderators. Always active, always sociable, and always there to answer your questions. He recently had his beloved German shepherd pass away. He says:
"He was a shelter dog, on the brink of euthanasia, but he came into my life and became the most incredible companion anyone could ask for."


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